An Ode to the Warriors
Their white robes
Peep from
Under a
Equipment kit.
Their golden hearts
Radiate through
Smiling faces,
Glittering eyes,
And above all encouraging
Cheerful clear voices.
They are
Covid Warriors
Who are saving lives
They are
The Earth Gods
While we are safely sitting within the four walls of our homes, an army of young people, boys and girls, men and women are out there fighting a battle that earth has never had to fight before.
Wearing a PPE Kit over their angelic white robes they neither show how uncomfortable they are, not how tired they are.
Encouraging all patients and their families they are always smiling, their eyes shining and radiating the golden hearts which become apparent with their clear cheerful voices.
They are The Earth Gods.
A small tribute to all doctors, nurses, and staff behind the scene dealing with Covid-19 Warriors.