The Earth Gods (2)

Uma Arora
1 min readMay 6, 2021

An Ode to the Warriors


Their backs,

Their necks,

Their hands,

Their legs,

Their shoulders

Nor their soul

Is tired

They listen patiently

They speak calmly

They touch firmly

They feel heartily

Above all

They do bravely.


Who are unhesitantly saving lives

They are

The Earth Gods


A battle that no one knew how to fight. Nor had we developed the weapons to fight it. But then The Covid Warriors are fighting it day in and day out.

They are fighting it with all their might.

They have young children waiting for them to come home and hug them but it’s been weeks, if not months that they have been home to meet their loved ones.

For most people wearing one mask is a task but these life saviors wear masks above masks and cover from head to toe and serve humanity without begrudging their lives.

Salute to them for they neither worry about their own aches and pains when going to restroom must be a task for them but they do not rest nor run away.

Because they are there we are here talking about humanity.

Salute to the Covid Warriors.

They are Earth Gods

